
Mindful Mondays: The Mini-Prescription for Success

Everyone has a dream. We all have goals and tasks that we want to accomplish. Sometimes it is hard to stay on track. There are times where we are interrupted by circumstances that we can’t control or we interrupt ourselves due to fear or internal blocks. When I decided to pursue my dream and start writing in 2006, it was exciting, scary and rewarding all at the same time. It still is today. When I first started there were many lessons that I had to learn along the way. In the process I came up with my mini-prescription for success. I call them the 4P’s. This is a quick and easy reminder to keep me focused and on track with my vision.

Patience –I am always moving and trying to make things happen. I tend to be impatient at times, but I have learned that the universe has three answers. Yes, not now or there is something better is store. Really understanding this concept has helped me calm down and just keep it moving. The answer will come when you are ready.

Persistence – Don’t stop and don’t give up just do it! Also, keep learning about your craft. Knowledge is power.

Prayer – Whatever you believe, if you believe, prayer is your power and strength.

Present- No matter what you are going through, try your best to stay present and in the moment. You might miss something that can lead you to your next step. At times it is hard, we may be sitting at lunch with others and thinking about what happened two months ago or what we want to happen in two weeks. Do this in your alone time. You never want to seem distant and distracted in the company of others.

What is your mini-prescription for success?

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1 comment:

ChocolateOrchid said...

Thanks for this beautiful post!!
I tend to be impatient also but I am learning.
This is really great!