
Mindful Mondays: What is Holding You Back?

We all have a dream or a goal that we want to achieve. Some of us have the courage to work toward that dream and others are not quite there yet. There are many reasons, but I encourage each of you to ask yourself why?

Following your dreams is a difficult choice because the one of the first things that comes to mind is failure and then acceptance of others. We must realize is that we are all put on this earth for a purpose and we owe it to ourselves to find that purpose.

Here are six tips to get you started on the journey to living your dream life.
Write it down and imagine yourself living your dream life.
Write down the things that are blocking you.
Reverse the things that are blocking you into affirmative statements.
Start with mini-goals and create an action plan.
Share your goals/dreams with people in your life that support you.
Eliminate anyone or anything in your life that is negative or no longer deserves your energy.

Are you pursuing your dreams?

If not what is holding you back?

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