
Mindful Monday: Keeping your head above water

There are times when it seems as if everything is wrong. During those times we tend to focus on the negative aspect and what is not working. Day in and day out we sit and wish for something better to come along and it is as if we put our life on hold until that time. Regardless of what you are going through, it will get better because it is simply a test of strength. It is easier said than done, but I encourage you to find the things in life that you are grateful for, that you love and the things that are working and focus on that. As far as the turmoil that has you feel like you are drowning, sit still meditate on what is difficult and what you can do to resolve the issue, your answer will come. Remember patience is key.

Here are three tips on keeping your head above water when you feel like your are drowning.

Understand your dilemma: Really get real with yourself and understand why you are in the situation in the first place. Once you do, honor it as a lesson not to be repeated.

Find ways to get out of the situation or make it better: Maybe it is a crazy boss, a friend that you no longer need, or a relationship that you would like to end. Some things you can’t get rid of, but think about how you can improve your present situation. Remember change doesn’t happen over night it takes steps. Little changes create big results.

Stillness = Clarity: Sometimes we just have to sit still. This is important because as you know silence is golden and when we are still our heart will begin to speak in a way we can fully understand because we are quiet and ready for change.

What do you do during a difficult situation?

Water was peaceful
The tides have become intense
Be still to be clear
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