
The Attack of Teachers

This is one thing that angers me. It is a shame that teachers, individuals who choose the most noble profession in the world, lack the respect and integrity that they deserve Within the past months I have read about five reports regarding teachers being attacked by students in the classroom. One, in Pontiac Michigan. This incident took place a Pontiac Northern High School. Allegedly this Science Teacher took a students ipod and as a result suffered a broken rib, fractured skull and partially collapsed lung.

Last week, a friend of my mothers told me that a group of eight graders at her school started fighting in the classroom and when the teacher tried to stop them a group of boys held her back so the kids could fight, when she tried to get away she ended up with bruises and scratches. She was taken to the hospital to get stitches.

Recently, the event that happened at an elementary school in Waycross, GA. A group of third graders planned an attack on a teacher because she scolded a child for standing up in a chair.

I used to teach, my dream is to write but I still involve myself with kids and education through mentoring, tutoring and working with non-profits. I have had my share of schools that were challenging, I have also been in schools that were a joy and I really found the art and reward of teaching. I honestly feel when someone chooses to teach that it is very selfless, but between the politics, discipline, pay and all the roles that are fulfilled as an educator you are signing up for a lot when you sign the dotted line.

My mom is a teacher, and she still teaches to this day. She is saddened by the education system and the attitude by many administrators of “let the kids rule” and sadly that is what it is boiling down to. Kids have no fear of authority and sadly in many situations authority fears the kids. If it is not the kids threatening you, the parents are involved as their kid can do no wrong.

I pray for teachers every day because when they show up to teach it is more than just teaching, they are mothers, fathers, guardians, counselors, fight referees, and amazing individuals who are overworked and underpaid. They are to my opinion disregarded and disrespected in many ways and these are the very people (the teachers who chose to teach and are trying their best) that are trying to shape our future.
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