
Brain Boosters

In high school it was a requirement to play two sports. Our school motto was mens sana in corpore sano, which translates into a sound mind in a sound body. This is something that I have carried with me throughout my life. It is important to religiously exercise our brain through movement, proper diet and mind enhancing activities.

Your brain is a muscle and it must be exercised just like your body. Physical activity is a strong component to help your brain as it reduces stress, enhances clearer thinking and helps memory. Movement is essential, but there are more activities that you can do to keep your brain in top shape.

1. Mind games
2. Start a new hobby
3. Read more (pick subjects that you want to learn about or something that is not on your reading list that you would consider a challenge)
4. Language – Learn a new language or review and lean new vocabulary.
5. Music – Listen to classical music or learn to play a new instrument.

There is a great website called Lumosity that is a scientifically designed computer based brain fitness program consisting of a series of engaging online games. Users of this program have reported increased alertness and energy, improved ability to remember names and numbers, better concentration at the workplace, and elevated moods. The games are quick and fun. I have a soft addiction to this site.

We all know that food is another important element for proper brain function. Find foods packed with omega, b vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin C and E. Blueberries, salmon, nuts and seeds like cashews and sunflowers, antioxidant induced tea and whole grains are a great start for a powerful brain.

What do you do to get your brain in shape?

Do you have any brain games that you recommend?

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Brown Girl Gumbo said...

I eat salmon probably more than I should, which means that I should be the SMARTEST person on earth! LOL Just kidding...

I've been considering revisiting learning Spanish. I'm so-so with the language, but would love to be fluent!

Couture Carrie said...

I do the NY Times crossword and acrostic every Sunday - I like to think it keeps my mind agile!


beautylogicblog said...

Oh my God, I have to try Lumosity. I love salmon but tend to eat fish oil capsules everyday as well to increase brain strength.

Phyllis Bourne said...

I take fish oil caps and eat lot of almonds.

I also take Italian at night. At first, I felt like the oldest and the dumbest person in the room but it's much better this semester.

Apollonius Verus said...

There are over 50 free brain games on my memory improvement website. The games page is at Enjoy!