Shelley Davis, CEO of Kinky-Curly took some time out of her busy schedule and answered a few questions about keeping your hair healthy and beautiful.
CC: What are some general tips that you have for women with curly/natural hair?
CC: What are some general tips that you have for women with curly/natural hair?
SD: Moisture is the number one thing that curly hair needs. Moisture not grease or oil. Moisture comes from water. Oils and grease will only seal in moisture. Taking your time when combing will help reduce breakage. Heated styling tools can ruin your natural curls when used over a period of time or even just once if the temperature is too high.
CC: What if someone has natural hair with different textures?
CC: What if someone has natural hair with different textures?
SD: It is not uncommon to have different textures on the same head. If the texture difference is due to heat styling then this is the most noticeable and then there is a drastic difference in the texture. Stringy ends or straight sections for example are most likely due to the overuse of a flat iron or blow dryer. A person can do deep conditioning treatments to repair the heat-damaged hair but the best way is to trim and cut away the damaged hair.
CC: What are the essential product that individuals with natural hair should have?
CC: What are the essential product that individuals with natural hair should have?
SD: The Kinky-Curly Curling Custard is an excellent product for curly hair and natural hair styles. The Curling Custard is a great styling product for a variety of hair types. It moisturizes, it defines your curls and it leaves a nice shine. It works on curly redheads and thick bushy afros. It can be used for wash and go as well as for twist out and braid out styles.
CC:How do you eliminate frizz?
CC:How do you eliminate frizz?
SD: You should apply your styling products to wet hair. This is when your hair is the most pliable and it will help ‘set’ your style and keep it frizz free.
CC: Should you wash your hair every day?
CC: Should you wash your hair every day?
SD: The shampoo you use and your lifestyle should be taken into consideration when making this decision. I personally wash my hair everyday. Keep in mind, I live in sunny southern California and am constantly testing new products that we are developing on my own hair. (It is important to start with a ‘clean slate’ when using new products to see how they perform.) I use my Come Clean Shampoo, which is gentle and sulfate free. So if your lifestyle permits and you use a pH balanced, sulfate free shampoo that will not strip your hair of its natural oils it is OK to wash your hair everyday. On the other hand if you use a harsh shampoo you will dry out and damage your hair.
CC: What is your advice for women who workout regularly?
SD: You must wash or rinse your hair after working out. The salt in perspiration will dry your hair so it is important to remove it.
CC: What are the top three hair tips that women should remember?
SD: A.) Hair is nourished from the inside out. A balanced diet will be reflected in strong healthy hair.
B.) For every 'bad' thing we do to our hair (color, blow dry, perm) we should balance it out with something 'good' something nourishing such as a deep protein treatment after a chemical treatment or a roller set to take a break from heated styling tools after you color.
C.) Hair changes as we age. Pregnancy, hormones and stress all affect our hair. How we treat it now will affect how much hair we have on our heads when we get older.
For more information visit http://www.kinky-curly.com/.
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CC: What is your advice for women who workout regularly?
SD: You must wash or rinse your hair after working out. The salt in perspiration will dry your hair so it is important to remove it.
CC: What are the top three hair tips that women should remember?
SD: A.) Hair is nourished from the inside out. A balanced diet will be reflected in strong healthy hair.
B.) For every 'bad' thing we do to our hair (color, blow dry, perm) we should balance it out with something 'good' something nourishing such as a deep protein treatment after a chemical treatment or a roller set to take a break from heated styling tools after you color.
C.) Hair changes as we age. Pregnancy, hormones and stress all affect our hair. How we treat it now will affect how much hair we have on our heads when we get older.
For more information visit http://www.kinky-curly.com/.
Great interview!!! I have heard wonderful things about Kinky Curly products. I love the fact that she mentions how our diet is reflected in our hair. That's a great point. Healthy lifestyle = healthy hair!
LOVE this interview, I mean I seriously love this interview. Great job.
Thanks so much for this and even though i am not natural I have this urge to try the custard she spoke of..LOL
I stretch between relaxers so I have these periods when I am really dealing with two different textures, relaxed and natual. I could see myself using her product on my natural parts.
Thanks for this post.
Product Junkie Diva
great information here, thanks for posting!
Good interview. Thank you!
AWESOME INTERVIEW!!! This is really cool it is important to factor your health and eating when it comes to hair!! Great post!!!
phenomenal interview sweetie!
my daughter is 5 years old .I cannot wait to try these products great interview thank you so much!!!!
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