
Detoxing Your Space

We are well into spring but how many of us have completed their annual spring cleaning? I do tend to engage in the practice of spring cleaning, but I also realize that the art of detoxing your space should go beyond spring. After the vacuuming dusting washing and reorganizing we notice we can breathe better and feel lighter. Recently, in looking for something that I thought I lost I realized that my spring cleaning really wasn’t cleaning, I just put the items that have in a different place so it would look neater.

In the process of looking for what I lost I realized that I had boxes of mail, piles of magazines, boxes of cd’s and papers from grad school (2003) in my surroundings, it wasn’t in my eye sight. Quickly forgetting about my lost item, I started to clean, and reprocess what I needed, what I didn’t need and why I was holding on to everything.

It started with old mail, it went in a big trash bag then the box it was in was cut up and thrown away. I found a folder and kept the magazine articles that I wanted threw the rest away, my papers from school went in a box and was placed in the attic. From there I reorganized my closet, took the clothes that were too big, small and over with to a consignment shop and picked up some extra money. It was a long day, but when I walked back into my space I felt new, released and refreshed.

Tips on detoxing your space:

Start with the surface - Clean your area in plain view see how you feel.

Take inventory -After your area is clean start digging deeper, look under your bed, under your couch, closets, kitchen cabinets etc. Note how you feel when you look at these places do you want to close the door right away? Does your breath become uneven? If so write it down and make a list of what you would like to clean.

Make a schedule -Like any situation both cleaning and cleansing takes a process. This is for your benefit, so take your time and write out your schedule if it takes you one week to clean the closet that is fine just as long as you get it done.

Reflect -After you are done cleaning take another inventory to see how accomplished and rejuvenated you feel.

How have you detoxed your space?

I hope that each of you have a wonderful and calm holiday weekend!
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1 comment:

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

Great tips again!!!

I actually did some spring cleaning a few weeks ago and it made me feel so much better! I made a trip to my local Good Will too! I got rid of tons of clothes that I no longer where and old magazines that were creating clutter.

Enjoy your holiday weekend!!